Monday, March 7, 2016


So whenever I hear the word palm oil, I immediately think of huge plantations in India,Thailand and Nigeria. Then I think about the wildlife that is displaced and has nowhere to go they are then either shot by poachers or just end up dying of hunger or nowhere to live. Sometimes people are hired by the companies to "control" the "pests". There have even been reports of poachers paying the companies that produce palm oil in order to be allowed to murder the orang-utans and other wildlife that has been displaced by the deforestation.


So then main concern that many people have is of the orang-utans. I have placed a video below which is graphic, but shows the truth and the sad reality of this ingredient. Orang utans are indigenous to Sumatra. They are a very intelligent social bunch of apes and need only a few things; water, sun, food and trees. As a result of the deforestation, they simply cannot live.


Palm oil is a saturated fat which means it is one of the worst fats out there.


----------Some people may find this following video disturbing----------

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